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Top 3 Scaling Accelerator Techniques from My Virtual COO

Thanks for investing your time in learning and applying these 3 techniques below!

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Onward and Up! Jen



Improvement planning ideation is best done on a shareable board and using the 4W’s as it accelerates decisions, reduces shiny object syndrome, and is inclusive of the team that is expected to adopt the changes.

✅ ACTION: Create a shared board in Asana, Click-up, Monday.com, or another project management software. Modify by adding the 4W’s for each item.
1. What
2. Why
3. Who
4. When

????CELEBRATE: Your team will love the transparency and you will lower fear of change, increase adoption of ideas, and build a better culture.



Time and energy are limited. If you want to feel more energized and boost productivity among your team, it’s time for each person to fill in their own time chart and think when is the best time to do the activities.

1. Client Work
2. Mentoring
3. Business Strategy
4. Business Development
5. Self Learning/Personal

Going WITH the brain energy flow versus AGAINST is always the best way to operate and live.

✅ ACTION: Click HERE [4] to download the Excel template, ask your team to complete it, and then schedule a meeting to have the team compare their completed charts and discuss how to better protect and respect each other’s time and energy.

????CELEBRATE: Enjoy the productivity boost! And if the team really loves this, consider implementing an internal meeting scheduling tool like Acuity, Calendly, MS Bookings with time slots that match up to each person’s chart.



These two techniques allow your team to quickly visualize current responsibilities and then clone them to draft future responsibilities after a major change within the business. Your team will more calmly see skill, capacity, and passion gaps and help you create a plan to fill the gaps and manage expectations.

✅ ACTION: Create the responsibility and role charts in online white board software such as Lucid, Mural, Miro, Canva or others or use our templates HERE. [5] Bring the team together to fill in details, encourage them to envision their future self or what they wish to shed, and congratulate them for collaborating as a team.

This collaboration allows everyone to
1. learn of others’ responsibilities
2. identify unnecessary duplications of work
3. uncover ideas that could reduce work
4. increase productivity
5. identify skill, capacity, passion gaps

????CELEBRATE: Your team will love the transparency and you will retain rockstar staff more often than other businesses.

Health, Sanity, and Compassion,