Growing profitably and with less effort

Jennifer Goldman Dream Team Outsourcing benefits

As you continue to manage and grow your business, we always recommend revisiting the idea of delegating work to outsourced experts and providers. This allows you to quickly and flexibly scale your business without sacrificing profit margins or work-life balance.

Currently, the most widely utilized outsourcers include a compliance expert, receptionist, bookkeeper, paperwork assistant, and marketing expert. Business are experiencing the benefits that include immediate expertise and capacity, increased productivity, flexibility, better work/life balance, and reduced cost of operating.

As your business and industry continues to evolve, flexibility is the key to staying ahead of the curve. While there is no limit to the role virtual staff members can play in your business, a long-term mix of full-time, part-time, on-site and off-site staff members will give your business the operational scalability for two of the most desirable outcomes: maximum profits and employee, client & owner satisfaction. The most successful firms are those with their staff in roles that:

  1. They are passionate about – fit what they want to be doing
  2. Match their skills – they are capable of doing the work with very little formal training
  3. Have a challenging – but not overwhelming — workload

We recommend you spend a few minutes documenting all the roles (see sample) to identify areas of the business workload  that could be outsourced due to the staff lacking:

  1. Skills
  2. Passion
  3. Capacity

If you would like to quickly educate yourself on the different areas of the business that can be outsourced, click HERE to skim through our directory of providers.

Good luck growing your business!


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This is a headshot if Jennifer Goldman

P.S. Want to talk? – Click HERE to schedule a 30-minute chat. Want to learn? Click HERE for our monthly newsletter or go to our DIY Lessons and Templates.

Good luck. And as always, health and sanity to you!

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