Jennifer Goldman

Addressing Change Over Changes

Addressing Change Over Changes

It can be painful to admit, especially as a business leader, that you don’t have all the answers. The only way to truly transform a business is by taking a look at the overall wellness of the firm.

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Preventing Workplace Burnout: A Proactive Approach

Over the past decade, there has been no shortage of debate over whether workplace burnout is a “real” condition or a scapegoat for employees. It’s difficult to substantiate a syndrome or condition when there is no quantitative way to measure it.

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Shiny Object Syndrome or S.O.S. Cry for Help?

Shiny Object Syndrome or S.O.S. Cry for Help?

As entrepreneurs and small business owners, we are hard-wired to be problem-solvers. When something isn’t working, it is in our nature and in support of our passion that we commit to finding a solution. The first step to de-cluttering the mess and freeing yourself…

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Getting the “Buy In” for Change: Addressing Collaboration

Business leaders find themselves needing to strategize and implement fresh, new initiatives. More often than not, these initiatives require the dreaded “c” word—collaboration. The success rests on the team’s ability to come together and work toward a common goal. But why do so many people tend to freak out or step away when asked to collaborate?

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Client Segmentation frees you to grow and prosper

To achieve success, firms must decide to service less, off board clients, or hire additional staff. While lowering services or off-boarding clients seems unthinkable, so does adding more staff to manage unprofitable or not-fit clients. Here are 4 tips…

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