Jennifer Goldman

Growing profitably and with less effort

Growing profitably and with less effort

Whether starting your financial advisory business or managing a growing client list and workload, outsourcing to virtual staff allows you to quickly and flexibly scale your business without sacrificing profit margins or work-life balance.

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I blame Michael Kitces and myself

Let’s play the blame game! I blame Michael Kitces for pushing the independent industry into the modern age of continuous learning. I blame Michael Kitces for forcing me to lengthen my attention span so I can listen to more than a 5-minute sound bite. But the truth is….

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Lining up your Ducks – Get your business in good order

A week or so ago, I asked readers of Inside Information to help me compile a checklist of the basic information that would need to be passed on to a successor of your business. As you’ll see below, I’ve compiled the outlines of a checklist from more than 100 messages that I received, many of them offering a piece of the overall puzzle.

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